
Gathering Graces 6/24/2018

*Our pastor’s wife Linda was taken to the emergency room yesterday.  It turns out she had kidney stones and an infection.  Please keep her in your prayers.  She came home at the end of the day.  Because of this, Pastor Dave stayed with her at the hospital, and Paul helped with leading the service this morning, along with Tim, Amy and Simon.  I am so thankful for our worship team.  I couldn’t be there because of work.  But everyone is so flexible and willing to jump in and help when needed.  What a wonderful group to be a part of as we serve and worship our Lord together.
*Since it was a little warmer in Wallace today, the ice cream parlor had quite a few customers.  Everyone I ask says the ice cream is delicious!! If you want some great ice cream, come into Wallace sometime between 10 and 5 p.m. and partake of a delicious cup or cone of Brain Freeze ice cream!!
*Bill and Debbie hosted family dinner tonight.  When I arrived, Christy was visiting with Bill and Paul was on the back deck hanging lights.  Soon we sat down to a delicious dinner of chicken thighs, roasted Brussels sprouts and radishes, spinach and a cucumber salad.  It was a wonderful summer meal, and I enjoyed eating out on the deck for the first time since it has been Bill and Debbie’s house.  At one point, Christy shared information and instructions about the next two days regarding her upcoming knee replacement surgery tomorrow.  I work Monday, so I will be going to Coeur d’Alene on Tuesday and picking her up after her surgery and bringing her home.  I also spent a bit of time walking around their backyard as Debbie showed me all the things growing in their yard.  Her cucumbers are looking great and have blossoms.  That settles it.  Next year I am planting cucumbers plants.....no seeds!! 
*After dinner I went next door to Bill and Debbie’s neighbor Jane, who wanted me to assist her in donating to my “55th Birthday Fund-raiser” I am doing on Facebook for the Sixth Street Melodrama.  It took us about five minutes to find the place on Facebook for her to donate, then about two minutes for her to donate the money!!  It was fun visiting with her, and then her friend Lynette showed up, and we had a nice visit as well.  Jane does a lot of traveling, and every time I talk to her, it makes me want to return to Europe!!
*I arrived home, and finished filling out my retirement paperwork, so I can get it notarized in the morning, and get some copies of other documents made so I can submit it all on Tuesday while I am in Coeur d’Alene.

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