
Sibling Assignment 2018:5 KHS "Dracula" Production Was Quite Memorable

Here is the Sibling Assignment I shared for the month of March.  Yes, I realize it is now May, and you can totally blame the younger “slacker” sibling for holding up the posting of each of the latest sibling assignments.  I hope to do better in the future!!

My assignment was:  Share a memory from one of your times performing on stage at Kellogg High School.  Bill's post will be here, and Christy's post will be here.

I would like to share my experience of being in the production of  Dracula during the fall of my junior year of high school.

I was not originally cast for this production.  I was on the volleyball team, and so I did not audition for the fall play.  As volleyball came to an end, and the production was getting closer to opening night, the girl who was cast in the lead female role was missing a lot of rehearsals, and was removed by our director, Mary Rae Faraca.

Once this person was removed from the show, there needed to be a replacement.  Mrs. Faraca approached me, to ask if I would make the commitment to learn the lines and join the Dracula production.  Opening night was about two weeks away.  I was willing to take on the challenge.

I remember spending a whole day on the stage at KHS with Christina Crumm, one of Mrs. Faraca’s aides, and she helped me learn my lines.  And I did it!!  I learned the lines, and played the part, and it was actually an amazing production to be a part of that year.  David Dose played the lead role as Dracula, and he and his brother Gary and another student worked on special effects for the production.  I still remember a “bat” swooping down on the audience at one point of the production.

After we performed this play onstage, Mrs. Faraca shortened it into a One Act play and we performed it for drama competition.  I think we made it to state.  I know they also competed in some special effects category with this play as well.

A few years ago, Gary Dose shared with me a video of the production.  They were one of the only families I knew who had a movie camera in late 1970’s.  It was fun reliving that production and remembering all the special effects those boys created, and fondly remembering the cast that were all a part of the show.  It was a very memorable experience on the stage at KHS!!

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