
Gathering Graces 5/14/2018

*It was back to work today, and time to get ready for another week.  I met with some of my NHS officers to prepare for the final lunch meeting on Tuesday where we would have officer elections and some pizza.
*Christy said she would accompany me to Pine Creek to check out The Tomato Lady Pine Creek Nursery.  It is a beautiful set up just as you leave Pinehurst.  I bought about five varieties of tomatoes, some herbs and some flowers.  There is a large variety of plants at the nursery.  If you want to find out more about this nursery, you can go here.  Just a heads up.  She doesn’t take credit cards, so if you go, bring cash or your checkbook!! 
*On the way home, we stopped at Walmart to pick up some items for a gift I made for the NHS seniors that they will get tomorrow at the meeting.  I also found some large containers I am going to use to plant my tomatoes in, and some other plants. 
*It was a lovely evening, so I spent time out in the yard.  I love seeing my seeds popping up, and planning the rest of my garden.  Paul has become very excited about doing more in the yard, and I love it.

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