
Gathering Graces 4/29/2018

*Paul preached a wonderful sermon in church this morning about Kindness.  It was really good, and it really made me think.
*Around 2 p.m. Paul and I drove to Pullman, Washington to attend our friend Beverley Wolff’s birthday party at a unique place called The Seasoned House.  It was a wonderful gathering of people, and we met some wonderful people, and part of the time was spent doing a “scavenger hunt” throughout the house, finding interesting items placed around the rooms.  It was a wonderful time of celebration.
*After the party we drove to Moscow and went to one of my favorite places in Moscow, The Arboretum, and met Cosette and her friend Taylor and his daughter Saphire, and we walked and talked, and saw lots of geese and it was very peaceful in this beautiful space.  Cosette graduates from the University of Idaho on May 12th, so we talked about her plans for after graduation, and what she will be doing this summer.  One of her definite plans, after working at McDonald’s for the past eight years, is ending this job at the end of May.  And, I am also proud of her, for the fact that she is graduating debt free from college, with no loans to pay back what so ever!!  Yes people, it can be done!

*After our visit we drove back home, and got to bed a little past our regular bedtime. 

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