*My morning was spend preparing for and participating in the National Honor Society Induction Ceremony/Teacher Awards Assembly at KHS. It went very smooth, and we inducted 20 new members into NHS today. But it is nice to have one big event behind me now.
*There was a great photo of Molly, Cosette and I (with Christy in the foreground taking our photo) posted on the University of Idaho Mom’s Weekend Facebook page. What a great day we all had together. Now we are looking forward do May 12, when Cosette graduates, and we all get to gather together once again for the celebration!!
*I spent time after school up in the Art Room glazing my pottery. I glazed the tray I made using Deep Firebrick, and for the six mugs, I used six different Celadon glazes. (Like the beautiful ancient glazes they are modeled after, Celadon glazes are glossy, transparent, and pool beautifully to add vivid accents to textured and carved surfaces.) The colors I used were Pear, Wasabi, Storm, Sky, Marigold and Poppy. (Aren’t those cool names?) Each of the six mugs as well as the tray are brought together by a Saturation Gold glaze covering the dots on each piece. Here are what the mugs looked like glazed before they go into the kiln.
*Zoe called tonight, and we had a good talk. She often calls when she is shopping. She was at Walmart, and needed help finding where the Hand Sanitizer would be located. I guided her to the right spot over the phone, and she found it so now she will have a bottle of hand sanitizer for her desk at school.
* While I was talking on the phone with Zoe, messages were showing up on my phone in regards to a question Zoe posed to our family the other night about how we eat the Kiwi fruit. Apparently Zoe’s roommates were astonished that she ate the kiwi like an apple, skin and all, because she was told the skin was good for you. We found out the her sister Molly was the one who also ate the kiwi whole, and had shared the information with Zoe about the kiwi skin being good for you. I slice my kiwi, and remove the outer skin before eating. Paul never had a kiwi before he met me. Travis cuts his kiwi in half, and scoops out each half with a spoon. Cosette doesn’t think she ever really eats kiwi fruit that often. If you are interested, here are the benefits of the kiwi fruit skin.
*After a busy day, I relaxed and took a nice bath. I have had some aches in my leg and hips, so I thought a nice soak might help ease the pain a bit. Then I was nice and relaxed and ready for bed.
I solemnly swear to never peel a kiwi fruit again.