
Gathering Graces 3/7/2018

*My evening was spent in the lovely home of Debbie Gibler for our P.E.O. meeting.  Tonight was had installation of officers at the end of the meeting.  Installed were Dawn, Christy, Betty, Christine, Michele, Carolyn and myself.  I love my P.E.O. sisters, and I love being a part of an organization that helps provide all kinds of support for women attaining further education.  I would love to talk to you about it more if you have any questions. 
*The KHS Seniors continue to plug away at getting done all they need for college preparations.  I had one student in my office today who is attending the University of Idaho.  I helped her get her Vandal account set up, and she also chose her dorm and picked a roommate.  She was SO EXCITED when she left my office!!!  And then that makes me excited. 
*We had a discussion at our faculty meeting today about a new thing called “Juuling”, which is a new type of e-cigarette that looks like a USB flash drive.  We have had some issues with this at Kellogg High School.  If you want to read an article about it you can go here.  Basically it is a way to inhale a large amount of concentrated nicotine at once.  Students don’t use flash drives as often as they used to.  If you see a student using one, you may want to check to see what it really is that is charging in their laptop or phone charger.  It is always good to be aware of the newest “thing”.
*This morning our Lenten devotional was based on Matthew 15: 21-28.  It was the story of Jesus and his disciples going to Tyre and Sidon and having a Canaanite woman ask Jesus to rid her daughter of demons, which he finally does because of her faith.  His disciples were amazed at this because this woman was not Jewish, she was a Gentile, and Jesus, at this point, was only ministering to the Jewish people.  It is a wonderful story about faith, and these are the words N.T. Wright shares to illustrate what the people in the crowd may have been thinking:
And we are left thinking: is that what we mean by faith?  Faith to see how God’s strange plan works, even though it isn’t exactly flattering for us?  Faith to cling on to everything Jesus says even when it’s unexpected, and to pray in those terms rather than assume he’s going to do what we want in the way we want it?
Jesus makes to leave.  His eyes swing slowly round the crowd, and they pause for a moment on you.  ‘What is it you want from me, then?’  he seems to be saying.  ‘Have you got enough faith to see God’s strange plan working its way out and find what you need within it?’
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.   Hebrews 11:1.

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