
Gathering Graces 3/5/2018

*A blanket of snow continues to cover Kellogg.  But I don’t see any more snow in the forecast, but we shall see.  It is beautiful when everything is covered in fluffy white.
*My friend Janet posted the following on our sorority’s Facebook page:   With international Women’s Day coming up this Thursday, what’s your best career advice to empower professional success? She has received quite a few comments, but the one I really liked was from my friend Teresa who wrote: Put ‘Thank You Thursday’ on your calendar! Just 1/2 hour each week that you set aside to send a note of praise or thanks to someone you work with! You get extra points if you copy their boss!  What a great practice to make a habit in, not only the working world, but life in general.  Here is to Thank You Thursday!!!
*Our Lenten devotional this morning talked about the story where Jesus asked his disciple Peter to come to him and walk on water.  Peter did walk, but then got frightened and started to sink.  As N.T. Wright, the author of the devotion book talked about this story, he threw in this for emphasis, to make us think. (‘Don’t be afraid’, by the way, is the most frequently repeated command in the whole Bible--something we all need to remind ourselves in our worrying and frantic world.)  Those are wonderful words to use to remind ourselves each and every day....don’t be afraid.
*One of our KHS English teachers, Amy Peterson Miller, sent out an email about something she did in her Senior English class today.  She had a panel of four students in front of the class discussing the literature of John Donne.  While they were discussing, the other members of the class used Twitter to tweet thoughts, questions and replies.  If you want to see this conversation, go to #ELA12Donne.  I enjoyed seeing the students thoughts, even if you didn’t know the whole discussion.  What a great idea.  Amy is going to use this idea again in the future.
*The new security system at Kellogg High School started today.  Now, when visitors arrive at the door, they press a call button and someone in the main office needs to verify who they are and let them in.  Faculty and staff have a special code and fob to use to enter the building. 
“Oh the times, they are a changin,”
“but, don’t be afraid.”

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