
Gathering Graces 3/1/2018

*They say March is suppose to come “in like a lion, out like a lamb”.  Well, our March came “in like a chocolaty Pomeranian”.  Remember that chocolate chip package I mentioned that Sadie drug down the hall yesterday?  Well, it didn’t quite get hidden away well enough.  I came home at lunch and everything looked normal.  Paul arrived home after school and discovered dry elbow macaroni scattered across the floor, and some doggie throw up by the sliding glass door.  Someone (Sadie) had succeeded in opening up a package of chocolate chips and eating some. (She also had opened a bag of elbow macaroni while she was at it). She threw up quite a bit of it, but our vet, Dr. Cook, suggested she spend the night at the animal hospital so she could be given activated charcoal and fluids, and be monitored throughout the night.  I will pick her up in the morning and monitor her throughout the day. 
*Today the Wildcat boys basketball game was a heart breaker for sure.  I listened to it at school, and those last two minutes where they were neck in neck with the Kimberly Bulldogs but just couldn’t get the shots was so hard to hear.  But they played hard, and we are all very proud of them, and hope they win their next two games.  They ended up losing 48-45.  But tomorrow I will cheer them on again as they play Parma at 12:15 PST.  GO WILDCATS!!
*In February, Bill, Christy and I decided to start writing “Sibling Assignments” again.  This is a writing exercise we have done off and on since 2007.  I am glad we are writing them again. Christy and I posted our first of three tonight, and more will come in the following days.  Check out our blogs to read them.  Bill’s blog is www.kelloggbloggin.blogspot.com, Christy’s blog is www.gatheringaroundthetable.blogspot.com, and mine is www.silvervalleystories.blogspot.com.  You find Christy's post here and Bill's here.
*I loved this passage from our Lenten devotional today:
*If God’s kingdom came the same way that earthly kingdoms come, by force of arms and military victory, the weak and the vulnerable would once more come off worst.  But God does things the other way up, and we should all be thankful for that.  In particular, those of us who struggle from time to time in our faith and discipleship should take heart from Isaiah’s words, applied here to Jesus:  he will not break a bruised reed, or quench a smoldering wick.  His task, and his delight, is gently to fan into flames what was smoldering, gently to strengthen and firm up the weak, bruised faith, hope and love that we have at the moment.  Let that be our prayer this Lent.

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