
Gathering Graces 2/8/2018

*In my search for another podcast to listen to, I found the Relevant Magazine podcast.  I have subscribed to this magazine for a couple of years now, and follow their posts online, but forgot they also had a podcast.  I listened to a couple of episodes and enjoyed the banter of the four hosts and also the guests who talked.  The magazine brands itself as a magazine that focuses on Faith, Culture and Intentional Living.  I like their articles.  I look forward to exploring this podcast more.  If you want to check it out their website, which also gets you to their podcast, you can go here.
*Today I solved the FAFSA problem with a couple of students.  I was working with two different students, and  they would get to a certain page on their FAFSA application, and it would not let them move forward to the next page so they could sign and submit their FAFSA.  It was driving us all crazy.  Then it hit me.  The problem may be the Chrome browser.  Occasionally I will be on certain websites, usually if I am trying to order something, and something goes a little wonky in the process.  If I switch to Internet Explorer, the website works.  So I went into Internet Explorer yesterday with the FAFSA, and guess what?  No glitches, no problems, the FAFSA was signed and submitted, and I had a senior with one less thing to stress about! Woo Hoo!!  I shared the information with the other senior, and she got hers submitted tonight as well.
*I don’t know about you, but often prayer overwhelms me.  There are times when so many people in my life are hurting, and prayer overwhelms me.  There are times when I have hurt in my life, and prayer overwhelms me.  But I pray anyway.  Because prayer is a gift.  I believe in a loving, merciful Creator.  And I get to communicate with this loving, merciful Creator.  And I believe He wants me to talk to Him.  So I do.  Even though at times it is hard.  Even though at times it is overwhelming.  I pray.  I I believe praying is a good thing.   Prayer is a part of who I am.

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