
Gathering Graces 2/17/2018

*The morning began with a drive to Coeur d’Alene to meet at Calypso Coffee Shop to do a read through of the script for the final scenes in the Clockworld movie Paul and I have been working on the last few summers.  Filming should be wrapped up this spring and summer, and then it will all be made into a feature film.

Some of the cast at the script read-through.

*It was not easy going driving to and from Coeur d’Alene.  I am so thankful Paul drove, and is a good driver in the snow.  I played Solitaire on my Tablet the whole way, only occasionally looking up if we were slowing down.  On the way home, we were behind snow plows for a while, which helped a bit.  When we were about halfway down the Fourth of July pass, we saw two semis stuck side by side (I believe the reason was no chains), and the row of cars starting to pile up behind them was growing steadily.  I was glad Paul and I made it home safe and sound.
*It was a nice relaxing afternoon.  I went down to the basement for a change of scenery, turned on some classical music, and worked on writing my poem that I will post this week.  My intention was writing a poem about winter, but instead it came from ideas swirling in my head from the professional development presentation on students who deal with trauma.
*A little after 5:30 p.m., Paul and I got in the car and went over an picked up Christy and Everett and we drove uptown to the Kellogg Elks to enjoy our first ever All-You-Can-Eat-Crab -Feed.  It was really fun and really good!!  We were sitting at the first row of tables, and so we got to say hello to all the people who were there who were in line to get their food.  That was fun!!  It was also fun seeing some of our KHS JROTC students doing a wonderful job helping with serving and other things throughout the night.  Bill and Debbie were also at the crab feed, but they were with a group of friends who were sitting at tables in the basement.  I think Christy, Everett, Paul and I decided this was really fun, and would like to do it again next year!!  And we learned a few new tricks to be even more prepared in order to make it a success (like bringing your own napkins or wipes....things get a little messy!!)

Christy and Everett enjoying their first bites of crab.

We are excited to have all the crab we want!!
*Eating crab is exhausting work!!  We left the Elks around between 8:30 and 9 p.m. and dropped Christy and Everett off, then came home and read a little bit, and got ready for bed.

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