
Gathering Graces 1/9/2018

*Requiem to two blue vehicles.  In the early morning hours, our friend Brandon Church and another employee from Jim’s Bobcat and Towing hauled away our two old vehicles.  We had called in early December for a guy in CDA to come and get them, but then the snow arrived, and he was never able to come.  On Monday, these two vehicles were “tagged” by the city.  That means they needed to be moved so they could get the snow removed they were parked in on the street.  So they were generously towed away before the city towed them away for us, and charged a fee.  It was sad to see them go, even though these vehicles haven’t been used for a while.  The blue pickup was Dad’s last truck.  The Lumina car was Mom’s car that she gave to Molly so she could have a car to use when Mom bought her last new car.  There are lots of memories associated with these two vehicles.  And now we say good-bye.
*Today was Christy’s birthday, and her and Everett were going to Wallace to have dinner, and she asked us, and Bill and Debbie to join them for dinner.  Unfortunately Paul had a meeting at church, and I had a meeting as well, so we were unable to join the celebration.  But I did briefly see Christy earlier in the day, and wished her a very Happy Birthday.
*As I work with seniors now, a lot of it is making sure they are taking the steps needed so they are on track to go to college, if that is the path they have chosen.  I helped three seniors complete their FAFSA and submit it during homeroom.  Woo Hoo!!
*I had more students in my drama group in the after school program today.  What a joy to work with these students, and get to hear their stories and learn about them.  At the end of the day, before the students were getting ready to go home, they were handed a note saying there would be no school or after school program for the rest of the week due to the flu that has swept through the elementary school.  Right now, KHS, KMS and Canyon are still having school, but are being monitored.
*I have shared before how little things can set me off in strange ways regarding the loss of Mom.  This evening I was watering plants.  Some needed some dead leaves removed, so I brought all the plants into the kitchen so I could clean the plants up, remove dead leaves, and give them a good watering.  As I was watering one particular plant, which had been Mom’s plant, I found a small green Monopoly game house in the soil.  It struck me as funny, and started me questioning the reason why it was there.  Which got me thinking about Mom as well.  I think there is a story or poem that needs to be written about this discovery.  I’m going to start working on coming up with something about the small green house.

Small green Monopoly house

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