
Gathering Graces 1/11/2018

*I slept in.
*I started reading, instead of listening to, the book You Don’t Have To Say You Love Me by Sherman Alexie. I need to finish it by tomorrow when my book group meets.
*Because of the subject matter of many of the stories he shares in the book, I have to take breaks from reading.  So my comedy relief throughout the day was the sitcom Friends.
*There have been some clothes in the laundry room that have been there for a while and needed laundered.  So I spent time getting caught up on laundry today.
*I am by no means a bird expert, but at one point this afternoon, these beautiful colored birds with long beaks were feeding at the bird feeder outside the dining room window.  I had seen one earlier in the fall, and thought it resembled a woodpecker, but seemed more colorful.  I grabbed my Peterson Field Guides Western Birds book I keep by that window to see if I could identify these birds.  I believe this bird is a Northern “Red-Shafted” Flicker.  It is in the woodpecker family, but not a woodpecker.  They have a beautiful salmon-red color under their wings.  It is a little pleasure, but I love the fact that I am able to be home to see these birds feed in our bird feeder, and take the time to identify what kind of bird it may be.
*I also napped.
*We didn’t get as much snow as they predicted yesterday.  It rained some.  It snowed some.  We had maybe an inch or so of new snow by the end of the day.  It is beautiful outside.
*On Wednesday, I forgot to post this photo.  This is Cosette on very last first day of school.  Only one more semester to go!!

Cosette's last first day of school for semester two at U of I

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