
Gathering Graces 11/23/2017

*It was a day of cooking, eating, laughing, crying, sleeping, eating, drinking, playing, thanking.
*The day started out pretty early for me.  This wasn’t by choice.  This was because I woke up at 4:30 a.m. and couldn’t get back to sleep. 
*The turkey went into the oven early, and the potatoes were peeled and boiled, and things were looking good.  Debbie arrived around 10 a.m. to fix her vegetable dish, and later cleaned up the kitchen, which was such a godsend. 
*My emotions were all over the place today.  I guess that is to be expected as you gather as a family for Thanksgiving for the first time after the loss of a loved one.
*Paul knew I was struggling and told me he loved me.  He said, “I love you when you are happy.  When you are sad.  When you are angry.  When you are laughing.  I love you.”
*Dinner was delicious.  I always love when we eat a meal prepared by many hands. After dinner, we played a game that Debbie suggested called He Said, She Said.  It was really fun, and very funny.  After Bill, Debbie, Patrick, Christy and Everett left, the rest of us played a game of Go To The Head of the Class.  Paul was the big winner of the night!!
*At the end of the day, I fell into bed and cried.  Cried for loss, for potential loss, for the many emotions I experienced throughout the day.  But despite the roller coaster of emotions I experienced, I cannot help but be thankful for all the gifts God provides us each and every day, and I never lost sight of the wonder of being together as a family.

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