
Gathering Graces 11/2/2017

*I had a wonderful lunch today with my friend Kellee Crall Mills.  We hadn’t had a good visit in a long time, and it was so wonderful to take some time and talk.  She is such an incredible person.  And the food that was served us at Radio Brewing made the time even better!
*Spent most of the day at work getting ready for next week.  We are having a week focused on College Access, College Application Week and Gear Up Week.  We are encouraging staff and students to wear college gear or college colors, or their favorite college sports team gear or colors.  We are having each senior apply to at least one college. C.d. Breshears from GEAR UP Idaho will be coming and talking to the students on Wednesday at an assembly to get them inspired and motivated.  Thursday night will be a FAFSA and Scholarship night for parents and students to get help filling out their FAFSA.  It should be a great week!!
*It was our final dress rehearsal tonight for the “Goin’ for the Gold, Settlin’ for the Silver”.  I always get to the night before the show, and hope people actually come and watch the show, after all the weeks of hard work put into the performance.  I think it will be entertaining, and it will make people, especially those who live in the Silver Valley, proud of the place they live because of the stories that will be told through words and songs, as part of this performance.
*Someone posted on Facebook that it was National Men Make Dinner Day.  Without even knowing we were celebrating this particular day, Paul went to the store  around 9 p.m. after we returned home from rehearsal and bought some white fish and salad, and made a delicious fish and salad meal.  One of the nice things about being done with rehearsals, we can get back to eating dinner at a normal time.

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