
Gathering Graces 10/16/2017

*Sometimes when the alarm goes off at 5:10 a.m., I really want to stay in bed.  But once I get outside, I love the quietness of Kellogg at 5:50 a.m., and I love going on my walk through town.
*I had a nice surprise visit this morning from Gabriell Benefield at school this morning, along with her sister Cassie and Cassie’s new baby boy Roman.  Gabriell graduated from KHS last year, and attend College of Idaho down in Caldwell.  It was so great visiting with her, and learning about her first few weeks of college.
*Lot of students were working on scholarship information today that kept me hopping!!  It is fun to see these students motivated to take the time to work on these scholarship applications.
*I took a little longer lunch today and was able to sit out on the patio in the sun and read my book and enjoy the sun beating down on me as I ate lunch.  It felt so good outside.  It was another beautiful day.
*Tonight some parents and students gathered in the media center at KHS so Elana, Warren and I could help them with the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) process.  It was great working with these parents and students and getting one more thing checked off their list of things to do to help their students get into college.  And we really try and get out KHS seniors to submit the FAFSA, because they receive a $1500 GEAR UP scholarship if they attend an Idaho college, but they must apply and submit the FAFSA in order to receive that scholarship. 
*I finished up the book Idaho.  It was a good read.  I was hoping some of the loose ends would have been explained better, but then I realized, once I was done, that was not the point of the story. 
*Christmas is right around the corner, and I am directing the Christmas show at the Sixth Street Theater.  I spend some time tonight perusing and ordering scripts for the show.  I think it should be pretty cute!!
*Paul and I enjoyed ending out day listening to each of the girls tell us about their days, we shared about our day, and then it was time for bed.

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