
Gathering Graces 9/9/2017

*The sky looked a little better this morning, but still a bit smokey.  It was a nice, leisurely morning. 
*After calling and looking for Clark the Cat for about 20-30 minutes, he was found leisurely lounging in our neighbors backyard, not responding to the calls.  Paul went and scooped him up and handed him to me over the fence.  Clark was in for the day.
*Paul and I headed to Moscow to watch the U of I Vandals take on the UNLV Rebels in football.  Well, we really went to see Cosette Roberts play the buck drum in the U of I Vandal Marching Band, but we watch a little football too while we are are sitting in the Kibbie Dome.
*We arrived in time outside the Kibbie Dome in order to see the end of the Marching Band performing in the tailgating area, and to wave at Cosette, and recent KHS graduate Sidney Short, a new Marching Band member.  As we were standing there and the band was marching by, Cosette waved to us, and a gentleman standing next to Paul asked if she was his daughter.  When Paul answered “yes”, he said, “Oh we just love her!!”  Looks like Coco has some fans!!
*Unfortunately, our Vandals didn’t have a great game, and lost 44-16.  But the UI Vandal Marching Band was awesome, and did an amazing job entertaining us at halftime!! 
*After the game, we picked up Molly Roberts-Cornwell and Travis Cornwell and went to dinner.  Their one year anniversary is tomorrow, so we had a celebratory dinner, and Cosette joined us as well.  We had a fun time at dinner with some delicious Mexican food at La Madrid.
*After dinner, Paul and I each had a car, and Paul followed me home.  Only saw one deer, which stayed on the side of the road. (thank goodness!!)  It was not really fun navigating the road construction, but I survived. 

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