
Gathering Graces 9/14/2017

*Biomedical Engineer, Medical Assistant, Nurse, Doctor, Business Owner, Electrician, Firefighter, EMT, Paramedic, Physical Therapist, Veterinarian, Fashion Designer....these are just a few of the things I have been talking to seniors about this week, and their goals for careers as they graduate and move on into life.
*The skies were cloudy and just fine this morning when Nikki and I went for our walk.  About mid morning, my office began smelling really smoky, and when I left for lunch, the skies were filled with more smoke, and the air quality had changed dramatically.  We were hoping to get rain today.  Instead we got smoke.
*I took our little Pomeranian Sadie to the vet this morning so she could get her teeth cleaned.   We thought it was going to be a routine teeth cleaning.  But she had a few complications.  When Dr. Cook started looking in her mouth, he found some problems, and she ended having four teeth extracted.  She seems to be recovering well.  I gave her some softened food in the evening, and she wolfed it right down! 

Paul and Sadie all smiles after getting four teeth removed.
*Paul is beginning to gather the cast for the upcoming performance at the Sixth Street Theater.  It is a show he is creating, and it is called Goin’ for the Gold, Settlin for the Silver.  It is a show full of music and some Silver Valley history.  It will be well-worth getting you tickets to attend!  Tonight Tim, Ken and Gordon all gathered in our living room and started listening to some of the music that will be performed.
*There have been some coyote sightings in the area, and we have been warned to keep our cats and dogs close.  They like to hang out on the river, which is right by our house.  I keep telling our new cat Clark to stay away from the river.  I think the coyotes are out and about mostly in the evening, and by then all pets are back safely in the house.  But it is good to be cautious.

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