
Gathering Graces 8/29/2017

*Work got started this morning on tearing the shingles off our roof today.  A crew worked all day getting a good portion of the shingles off.
*Another good day back to work.  One of my co-workers, who knew my mom had been ill, asked how she was doing.  I still get a little catch in my throat telling people she passed away.
*As I left our staff meeting this afternoon, my friend April M Lee texted me the photograph above, and informing me her beloved McConnell Hotel was on fire in uptown Kellogg.  I could not believe it.  Throughout the afternoon and evening, I kept checking my computer to get more photos, videos and information about the fire, and how it was spreading. 
*Power went out uptown, and in the east part of downtown Kellogg. 
*My sister Christy was working up at the Kellogg Public Library, which is only about a block from the fire.  They shut down when the power went out, but it took her a little bit to get out of uptown Kellogg, but some firefighters helped her get through and she got safely back home.
*Early evening, a very foul smell rolled in that smelled very toxic...fumes from the fire.  I headed to the basement to work for a while to get away from the smell.  My throat started burning, and I started to get a headache.  It made me feel bad for the homes that were closer to the burning buildings uptown, and what they were going through.
*I cannot say thank you  enough to the firefighters and all first-responders who helped fight this fire and keep it contained.  It was around 100 degrees in Kellogg this afternoon, and they all worked hard and tirelessly to get this fire under control.  A few other buildings uptown caught on fire due to the embers flying, but the hotel, where the fire started, had the most damage. 
*The McConnell Hotel was the tallest building in uptown Kellogg, and helped define the skyline.  It will be odd not seeing this building when driving through town on the Interstate.
*Simon Miller posted these videos on You Tube that were taken with a drone that show the fire.  You can view one of the videos here.

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