
Gathering Graces 7/24/2017

*Nikki and I finally started walking again this morning.  It felt so good to be walking through beautiful Kellogg in the morning.  But boy did my legs feel it by the end!!
*Mom was still in bed when I arrived at Kindred.  She had not wanted to get up or have breakfast.  But she wake up enough to drink some water and take her pills.  And I found out that holding her hands calms her down.  So I held her hands before I left for work which seemed to help.
*A busy day at the Sierra Silver Mine Tour today.  I had not taken the tour yet this summer, so I hopped on the trolley and took the 11:30 a.m. tour through the mine.  I always learn something new!! 
*It is always interesting the things customers share.  Today, a gentleman was looking at the wood around the entrance to the hallway in our gift shop, and he came and showed me photographs on his cell phone of a tree house they toured over in western Washington that a man made himself out of cedar, and the main doorway was a polished cedar trunk turned upside down.  It was beautiful.  The whole house was very interesting.  Apparently there is some reality show about tree houses that was going to come and interview this man about featuring his house on the show.
*Paul spent the afternoon with Mom, and around 4 p.m. I received a text from him saying Mom was awake and happy!  That was great news to hear.  And later she ate some of her chicken salad sandwich.  When I arrived around 6 p.m., she was still pretty alert, but was getting tired and wanting to get back on her bed.  So I waited until she was back on her bed and kissed her good night, and headed home.
*My brother Bill has been in Eugene this past week, and today he and his wife Debbie traveled from Eugene and arrived in Kellogg sometime in the evening.  It will be nice to have them both here.
*When I got home, Paul and I ate dinner out on the patio, and I read some of the book I am reading, and by around 8 p.m., I was in bed. 

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