
Gathering Graces 7/20/2017

*My morning visit with Mom found her up and in her wheelchair and doing well.  They took her to have a shower at one point, and she came back with her real hair curled with a curling iron by Tiffany.  It looked really cute!!  Christy arrived and I stayed and visited with both Mom and Christy for a while, then headed home. 
*I returned when Mom was ready for lunch.  Then Liz, her hospice aide, showed up and visited with Mom and myself for a while.  Then Zoe arrived, because Mom wanted her fingernails spruced up.  While Zoe worked on Mom’s nails, I showed Mom some photographs that Zoe brought over from Mom’s house.  Mom was ready to be put on her bed to rest, so Zoe finished her nails and I finished showing her photos while she was on the bed.  Zoe soon left and then Paul came and I left a bit later.
*Paul picked up some Ragu spaghetti sauce and bread for the spaghetti dinner he put together for us tonight.  We enjoyed our meal out on  the patio, then Zoe made preparations for our next activity....Paint Nite with Bob Ross. 

My path in the woods.  Can you find the two bunnies?

Paul's trees and path.
*There were still paint canvases left from our paint night from last Christmas, so Zoe chose an episode for us to do.  We had painted our black tree earlier in the day, then we added other bushes and a path, and other things.  It is always fun how our paintings always look so different.  It is fun to create the paintings.  Zoe did a Narnia theme to her painting, with a lamppost, and the umbrella belonging to Mr. Tumnus.

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