
Gathering Graces 6/27/2017

*I have been keeping quite busy this week preparing meals for April’s retreat, so I have got a little behind on my blog posts.  So I have a little catch up to do today.
*It has been hard to keep days straight this week, often because of the nine hour time difference with my family back in Kellogg. 
*At the end of the day, April M Lee, Eric Lee, Tina Marshall, Sherri Melson and myself drove to an abandoned train station and walked a part of the Greenway Fiume Magra through the town of Terrarosa.  The trail we walked along was part of a the Via Francigena, the ancient route that in medieval times connected Canterbury to Rome and to the harbors of Apulia. It has been discovered by modern wayfarers, who set off on a surprising and enchanting route. I was very enchanted as I walked along this ancient trail. I especially liked the stone fence that was along most of the route.
*As I walked along the trail, which used to be the route of a train track, I thought of all the numerous trains that ran along this track, and what could have possibly be in them.  It is amazing to think about.
*I also enjoyed observing people just living their normal lives as you walk along the trail.  The trail had some similarities to the Train of the Coeur d’Alenes that runs through Kellogg.  The part of this trail we were on reminded me of the part that goes through Osburn, where you are fairly close to people’s homes.

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