
Gathering Graces 5/20/2017

*This morning Paul and I joined a group of theater volunteers to help clean the Sixth Street Theater and get it ready for our opening in June.  Thanks Keith Mckay, Cynthia Bentley, Dacey Hayman and Tammy Copeland for all your help!!

Planted seeds in the raised beds today

*It was rainy in the morning, but by afternoon the sun came out, and I was able to plant some of my vegetable seeds in my raised beds, including lettuce, carrots, beets, string beans, peas, cabbage and radishes. 
*I had a wonderful visit with Mom around her dinnertime.  I was with her about two hours, and she visited the entire time, and didn’t seem worn out or tired at all, which is really good.  It was very enjoyable.
*When I left to see Mom, I noticed the trees in our side yard are in bloom.  These don’t last

Blooming trees in our side yard.

long, so when they do bloom, I always try and capture a photo.
*I stopped at the store on the way home to pick up hamburger buns, and came home to delicious hamburgers Paul had grilled.  It was still nice outside, so we enjoyed a lovely dinner on the patio.  I love spending time in our backyard.  One of my favorite parts of summer!!

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