
Gathering Graces 5/17/2017

*I am so thankful for the messages I receive from people regarding Mom and myself and my siblings.  It means so much to know people are praying for you, and thinking about you, and it does provide much strength and encouragement.
*Sadie went to visit Mom this afternoon, and now Mom has treats in her room to give her.  Sadie still gets pretty excited being at Kindred, so it took her awhile to settle down and eat her treat.  We visited about her doctor’s appointment with her cardiologist, which really didn’t bring up anything new.  I was nice to know that having Mom transported to her appointment in the Kindred van made it much easier for Mom and Christy to get to her appointment.
*The rain let up a bit this afternoon, and it was nice to be outside, and have it be a little dryer.
*I picked up Christy and Betty and we headed up the river to Sally Nordstrom’s house for our P.E.O. meeting.  It is always a beautiful drive going to Sally’s house.  It was wonderful seeing Bea Radford at the meeting, and visiting with her, and eating her delicious treats she made for the meeting.  We also go to here Sherri Rewoldt talk about dog agility, and watched a short video of one of her dogs in competition.  It also warmed my heart when different members shared about what brought them happiness, and Christy shared how our times visiting after we have been with Mom in the sitting area at Kindred really bring her happiness.  This brings me happiness, too.  It is so nice to have one another on this journey with Mom.
*I love this quote from my journal. Dear Lord, grant me the grace of wonder.  Surprise me, amaze me, awe me in every crevice of your universe.  Each day enrapture me with your marvelous things without number.  ~Abraham Joshua Heschel

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