
Gathering Graces 4/9/2017

*Paul arrived from his trip to Jerome at around 6 a.m. this morning.  He was worn out!  It was so nice to have him home.
*I zipped over to Mom’s, and she had just woken up.  I am glad with Bill in the house she can sleep a little longer in the mornings if she feels she needs it.  It seems like she is sleeping better, now that she is getting oxygen around the clock.
*Our Pastor gave a wonderful Palm Sunday message.  He asked us if we are a fan of Jesus, or devoted?  On Palm Sunday, many of the people shouting “Hosanna” were fans.  But the disciples were devoted.  They stuck with Him.  Fans are looking to see what Jesus can give them.  Those who are devoted want to serve Jesus.  It was a great question to ponder.
*What a wonderful opportunity to perform the Community Easter Cantata today.  The church was near capacity, and the message we sang was to uplifting and encouraging, as the Easter message should be.  I saw and visited with many people afterward.  I reconnected with a classmate I graduated from high school with, Randy Limesand.  Randy’s mom attends our church, and was performing in the Cantata. I also met Randy’s wife, and he shared with me about his daughter, who attends North Idaho College, and we had a nice visit.
*I came home and rested a bit in the afternoon, then headed over the Mom’s house to eat leftovers from the meals Bill has been preparing.  Then I went back over to church to perform in the 7 p.m. Easter Cantata.  It was wonderful as well, and saw many more people and visited with them.  It was fun reminiscing with my friend Christina about growing up in that church, and getting cookies during coffee hour, and about a Campfire talent show we did in the Fellowship Hall in grade school, and trying to remember what talent each Campfire girl performed.  I did a comedy routine.  She sang Angie Baby.
*Paul and I helped get everything cleaned up at church, then headed home. We relaxed a bit before heading to bed.  Tomorrow we head back to school, for he final nine weeks of the year, and it is always a busy, busy time, this year being no exception.

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