
Gathering Graces 4/24/2017

*So nice to be outside this morning walking again. 
*Time at Mom’s house was short, because I had to be at the dentist at 8 a.m. to get a temporary crown.  It was fun visiting with the Dental Assistant Heidi, and talk about being in the Easter Cantata together, and how we both enjoyed that experience very much.
*I got back to KHS in time to help Houston and his mom work on the FAFSA.  They have a few more things to do at home, but I think we got them on their way!!
*I was excited to see Mrs. Young, one of our science teachers, got permission forms from 19 students to attend the Engineering Expo at the University of Idaho on Friday.  It should be a great day.
*I spent some time getting organized to take props to the after school drama program tomorrow.  Three more days until they perform!!
*Our book discussion after school was so interesting.  One part was on Helen Keller, and how Anne Sullivan helped her break through her trauma, and how our culture doesn’t want the long term fix.  We want things fixed quickly with the use of pharmaceuticals instead of more natural means that have proved to be effective.  The other interesting thing about Helen Keller is Paul is currently directing the play The Miracle Worker at KHS, and we had a really good discussion about the story of Helen Keller.
*Lori, Erin and I continued discussing until almost 5:30 p.m., so I had to change dinner plans for Mom.  We got pizza and salad instead, which seemed fine with Mom.  And while we waited for Paul to arrive to eat, I was able to get Mom’s plants watered, which was a great relief to Mom.
*Had messages from two different friends today who did not have good days.  It is hard because I love these women very much, and a small message of love back just doesn’t seem sufficient.  But it will have to do for now.  And they are both in my prayers each day, which I hope gives them comfort in some way as well.      

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