
Gathering Graces 4/2/2017

*After falling yesterday, Mom seemed okay after going over to see her this morning.  She said her back hurt a bit at one point in the night, but then felt better.  She didn’t seem to be in any pain.  Thank you Lord!!
*After filming yesterday, I got home very late, and then couldn’t get right to sleep so I was very tired in the morning.  When I got home from Mom’s house, I told Paul I was heading back to bed, and if I woke up in time, I would come to church.  But I didn’t wake up.  I slept in until 11:30 a.m., which is very unusual for me.  But I was listening to my body, and it was telling me I needed the rest.  I am glad I stayed home.  But I was disappointed in missing church, especially because Paul preached the message this morning, and I always love hearing him share.
*Christy and I had some messages back and forth from Bill, who has decided to come for a short stay this week to spend some time with Mom.  I think that will be good for all of us.  He will arrive tomorrow, and leave on April 13th.
*My friend Rich Monteith came by for a visit this afternoon to see Paul and I, and get caught up as well as talk to us about some healthy living products he uses.  It was a really great visit.
*We had our first BBQ of the season this year, grilling some hamburgers that we shared with Mom, Christy and Everett.  We also had potato salad and chips, with some brownies for dessert.  It was so nice today, I even opened up the windows in my living room and dining room to let some fresh air waft through for a while.  Eventually it got too cool to keep them open, but it was nice having the fresh air for a while.
*After our guests left, I spent time getting ready for my trip to Boise with four high school students.  We fly out tomorrow night, and we will visit three colleges while down there, and return on Wednesday.  I really hope Boise is full of sunshine while we are there!!

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