
Gathering Graces 4/13/2017

*I went over to Mom’s in the morning, and said goodbye to my brother Bill as he headed back to his home in Maryland.  It was nice to have him here for the week and a half he was able to come and stay with Mom.  People are always commenting to me about how great it is that my two siblings and myself are willing and able to help take care of Mom at this time in her life, and what a blessing that is.  I know that is not the case in all families, but we are all truly blessed.
*Then I headed to Kellogg High School to load on a bus to travel with nine students to visit Fairchild Air Force Base by Spokane, Washington.  We had a wonderful day touring the refueling airplanes, talking to the base’s fire department, and seeing how the Working Military Dogs are used in the Security Force part of the base.  I was attacked by one of the dogs. So were some of our students.  We had protective gear on, so it was all good!!  Below KHS student Shenea Bermel is getting attacked.

*Mom and I enjoyed some toasted ham and cheese sandwiches for dinner.  They were made from some ham lunch meat we had at home, and some Jarsberg cheese Molly and Travis left when they came home last weekend.  They were delicious!!
*Our Maundy Thursday service was tonight at church.  It was so beautiful.  Pastor David Langer shared thoughts from John 13 throughout the service, and we sung beautiful hymns, and our Worship Team sang a beautiful song call Midnight in the Garden.  This is one of my favorite services at our church.  It is very reflective and somber, listening to the night Jesus shared with his disciples the Last Supper, and as he washed their feet, and then he was later betrayed by one of his beloved twelve disciples. 
*I had posted a video on Facebook of my being attached by the Working Military Dog on Facebook and it was funny reading people’s reactions.

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