
Gathering Graces 3/28/2017

*The work continues helping with the seniors, and getting them registering for college classes, making sure their financial aid is in order, and that they are keeping on schedule.  How can it be the end of March already?
*Zoe was a lifesaver today.  She went to Yokes and bought Paul and I Reuben sandwiches and potato chips for lunch.  It seems like I am talking to students all day long, and I can’t get away for a lunch break, so it was nice to have some lunch delivered!!
*One of the seniors wanted me to talk to their parent regarding his FAFSA, and once I got off the phone, I received the information needed, and he can move forward with his application.  Yay!!
*After school the After School Drama Program visited the Kellogg High School Drama Department as their field trip.  The students arrived and were marched down to the cafeteria, and KHS Drama Teacher Paul Roberts had them come up on the stage and sit down, and he had some of his cast of his upcoming play “The Miracle Worker” do a scene, and talk to the students.  He also showed them some lighting on the stage, and talked about how the stage was going to be set up.  Then everyone headed up to the third floor to Room 301, Mr. Roberts Drama Classroom where they got to watch the of the KHS drama students play some drama games, then they got to participate in some of the games, too.  While the activities were going on, each student got to go to the Drama Photo Booth and get their picture taken by my helpers Miss Zoe and Miss Taylor.  Fun was had by everyone!!
*It had completely slipped my mind that Scott Reed was coming to rehearse our scene we are filming on Saturday for our newest installment to the Across Bank Street series.  So once the field trip kids were on the bus, Scott and I went into my office and rehearsed our scene.  It was nice to get a little rehearsal in before we actually film the scene.
*I got to go home for a brief time, then hop in the car and head to Our Savior Lutheran Church in Pinehurst for Easter Cantata practice.  It is so uplifting to sing this music each week.  We perform the Easter Cantata at our church, Mountain View Congregational Church on Palm Sunday, Sunday, April 9th at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m.
*Zoe and I watched the Season 3 final of The Great British Baking Show together.  I thought the most deserving baker won.  Who knows when I will get to watch Season 4?

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