
Gathering Graces 3/24/2017

*I spent the morning getting caught up on little projects, paying bills, etc.  Felt good to get some of those things checked off the list!!
*We are getting T-Shirts for the students in the Drama program, so I went to Osburn and talked to Gordon about purchasing the t-shirts, and gave him an idea for a design.  I can’t wait to receive the proof to see what it looks like!!
*Zoe called to say she would probably be driving home Sunday for her spring break trip.  Saturday is a big day for Zoe, and I can’t wait to share her exciting news once I get all the details.
*I took off for a drive to Coeur d’Alene around 4 p.m., and it was not a fun drive.  It was raining really hard, and the water was puddling on the roadway, so it liked to pull you to one side or the other.  But I made it safe and sound.
*Once in Coeur d’Alene I headed to Shopko to make some purchases for Mom, then to Home Depot to buy filters for the refrigerator.
*Third time was a charm today!!  Each Christmas for the past 16 years, my high school girlfriends had planned a gathering to get together and exchange gifts, and enjoy one another’s company.  But because of the winter we experienced here in North Idaho, our first two tries were “no-goes”, because the Saturday in December and the Saturday in February that we planned to gather, the snow dumped on us, and none of us wanted to drive.  Well, the planets aligned, and six of us were able to gather at a new restaurant in downtown Coeur d’Alene called Sweet Lous.  Tammi, Christina, Connie, Pam and Brenda and myself enjoyed catching up on our lives and three of us brought gifts to exchange, so three of us went home with gifts!!  We missed seeing Marian (get better soon!!), Kellee and Mary, and hope they make it to our next gathering in May in Kellogg.  The food was delicious and I had some of the best fish and chips I have had in a long time!!  I love these friends, and I don’t know what I would do without them in my life!!  They are all very special!!
*The drive home was not quite so rainy, so it went a bit better.  I got home before Paul was asleep, so we got to visit for a little while before he fell asleep.  All in all, a really great day.  God is good, (all the time), Life is Good, and I am blessed.

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