
Gathering Graces 3/12/2017

The Turkey Gang of Riverside Avenue

*After I left Mom’s house this morning, I saw one of the turkey gangs on Riverside Avenue.  They crack me up!!
*My Sunday was a total day of rest.  I was down for the count today.  I spent most of the day in bed resting.  I was wiped out.  I haven’t felt like this for a long time.
*Thank goodness Christy was fixing family dinner tonight, or I may have never left the bed!!  Paul, Molly, Coco and I drove over to Christy’s house for a delicious dinner of Vegetable Lasagna.  At least I got up out of bed for a little bit of the day.  But I am thankful I can listen to my body, and know when it needs rest so I don’t get really sick later on.
*Molly and Coco went to run some errands after dinner, and called to see if we wanted them to stop at McDonalds and get us Shamrock Shakes.  Of course we said YES!!  I have been wanting one since I saw they were serving them again.  Now I have had my Shamrock Shake for the season, and don’t need another one until next year!!

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