
Gathering Graces 2/13/2017

*After a small hiatus from having our early morning walks up at KHS, Nikki and I were back at it this morning, and boy did it feel good to have our early morning walk together.
*On the way home, there was a beautiful sunrise to greet us. 
*The day continued to be beautiful with lots of sunshine and blue skies.
*Our book discussion after school today on the book  Fostering Resilient Learners: Strategies for Creating a Trauma-Sensitive Classroom, had the focus on Self-Care, and making sure, as you deal with students throughout the week, that you are taking care of yourself so you are able to deal with the issues that come up.  One question that arose was asking how school districts can do a better job of making sure their educators are receiving some self-care, taking care of themselves, so there isn’t such a tendency for burnout, and teachers leaving the profession.  In this book, teachers are not referred to as just educators, but as care givers and members of a service-oriented profession. I think this is a big shift in thinking from even ten years ago.  I look forward to more discussions from this book.

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