
1/16/15 Blessing: Creative Coffee Time...It's In The Bag

This bag means coffee and creativity.

I am a bit of a "bag lady".
Most of the things in my life that I am involved with have their own special bag.
I have a computer bag, a book club bag, a church bag, a PEO bag, a Creative Masterminds Group bag, a Sixth Street Theater board bag, a church Endowment Committee bag.....
Well, you get the idea.
For Christmas, my mom gave me a knew bag.  And this bag contains items for when I get together with my friend April, and have coffee and talk about making our lives more creative.
Once a week we try and meet somewhere for coffee and plan our monthly CMG gatherings, encourage creativity in one another, and talk about our lives.  We talk about aging parents, sibling relationships, dreams we want to come true, how to handle the down times, and celebrate the up times.  We share tough things.  We share triumphs.  It is a really good thing.
These weekly coffee and creativity get-togethers are truly a blessing.

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