
Peace--Hold onto it, Don't let it get away....Embrace It!!

When I lived in Meridian, Idaho I attended a women's group through church, and one time we were challenged to pick a word, and do a study of that word in the Bible.

I remember the most memorable word study I did was on the word "Peace".

When I studied this word in the Bible, and let God teach me about Peace through the scriptures, my life was transformed. 

My heart has been very heavy this week.  There are a variety of reasons, but mostly because people I love and care about are hurting.  There has been much time spent in prayer. 

But I want to have peace.  Not worry.  Peace.

Philippians 4:7 says "And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

The peace of God does transcend all our understanding, and guards our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.  We can have peace.  We don't have to worry.  Because God can be trusted.

When I did this study, one verse in particular really changed the way I looked at peace.  I think I always thought Peace would magically descend upon me.  But I realized it doesn't work that way.

In Psalm 34:14, it says: "Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it."
Seek peace, and pursue it.  I had never thought of seeking peace and pursuing it for my life.  That is an action.  It isn't passively waiting for peace to descend on me.  It is seeking it, and pursuing it.
The Message Bible interprets the verse this way:
"Turn your back on sin; do something good. Embrace peace—don’t let it get away!"
Again, this is an action.  Embrace peace!!  Don't let it get away.  Hold on to peace.
It is rare to find peaceful people.  Many people are rattled, and going a million miles an hour, and seem to be in a constant state of motion.
I am thankful I can embrace peace, even when my heart is heavy, and people I love are sad, and other's hearts are hurting. 

Because when I am at peace, I can focus my prayers better on the situations around me, and be more loving and kind toward others. 
So this is what I try and do during times of heaviness of heart and unsettled spirit.....

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