

My heart is full of gratitude.

Over these past few days, I have reflected on my life.....birthdays tend to do that to a person, and my heart is overflowing with gratitude of the many blessings in my life.

My birthday was filled spending time with many friends who mean a lot to me.  I walked, had coffee, had tea and visited, and then walked some more.  I spent time with my immediate family who bring me joy beyond measure.

The birthday celebration continued on Friday with a parade, reading, writing, and preparing my birthday meal for family and friends.  The meal was delicious, (BBQ'd Salmon, grilled veggies and potatoes, melon salad, bread and peach pie (that I could eat because it was made with Stevia in the Raw).

Then off to watch fireworks here in Kellogg, and the back to our house to do our own fireworks.  Then building a fire in the backyard and having some time visiting with our dear friends the Lees.

As I turn 51, I am in such a good place.  I have a wonderful family.  I have wonderful friends.  I have a beautiful yard to spend peaceful moments, and moments with family and friends.

I have a wonderful church family.

I have a wonderful extended family that lives in other parts of the state and country.

I am surrounded by love.  I am sharing love with others. 

And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.  I John 4:16

I feel like breaking out in The Beatles tune "All You Need Is Love". 

I love my life.  I love my family.  I love my friends.  I love God who created all of this in the first place, and created the love we experience every day.

......love is all you need........

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