

If anyone is wondering, the last two weeks of no sugar, no meat (except fish and seafood) is going quite well.

I think I am eating healthier.  It is making me try things I wouldn't normally eat.

I am realizing I can make a meal with meat in it, but find a vegetable or fish alternative.

Such as pasties.  I found a delicious vegetable alternative to make when I made the family pasties this week, and their pasties had meat in them.

In most situations, tuna is a good substitute for chicken.

My sister made a delicious dessert, using honey instead of sugar.

Paul made kabobs, some with steak, some with shrimp.

When we barbequed a turkey, I just ate the three different salads, and put shrimp on my pasta salad.

Pizza was brought to the set yesterday, and thank good one was cheese.  I can eat that kind.

Today at lunch I ordered a grilled vegetable sandwich, with pepper jack cheese, and a delicious whole wheat bun.

There are many more things I want to try and experiment with this summer.

Last night Zoe made bean burgers for dinner, and they were delicious....even at 11:30 p.m. when I got home.

I know I am feeling better eating this way.

So far, it has been a nice experiment.

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