

A few years ago my dream was to visit New York City, so I signed up for emails to come to my inbox to figure out a way to travel to the big apple.

A couple years later, I had visited NYC two different times.

Now, I am going to do the same thing as I plan a future visit to the country of England.

We have family genealogy that has an exact address where one of my ancestors on my Grandma West's side of the family, the Walker family, lived in England.  I want to go find the house where they lived.

I want to see many things while I visit England.

Such as......


The Globe Theater


Some day, some day I will visit the land of my ancestors, and be able to touch buildings that are thousands of years old, and have survived for centuries.
I can't wait!!


  1. Woooo hoooo :) Stonehenge is only about an hour away from me and London about an hour and half.. And we have loads of castles around here lol we take it all for granted though all our beautiful old history... We find it strange though that doodles don't,really have the history like we do, like medieval times and the Tudors etc... You will love it here x

  2. And when that visit to England comes, i hope to be part of it, sharing what I know of my homeland!

  3. MT, your stories make me wish to come to England even more, as I read about your life and where you live. And I would like part of my trip to be sharing a cup of tea with you!!

  4. Visiting England is one of my dreams, and if I ever get that far, I'll have to see Scotland as well! It would be amazing to see a home where an ancestor lived. I'm looking forward to the day you go, so I can read your thoughts and see all the photos I know you'll take!
