It is a beautiful, peaceful sanctuary filled with birds....
And my favorite part of the whole backyard is the Tri-Color Beech Tree that spreads its' beautiful branches and leaves over the north end of the backyard.
I have often remarked that if we ever move from this house, it will be the backyard I will miss the most.
And this is the best time of year to enjoy our backyard.
And today, when we had a party to celebrate Coco's graduation, the conditions in the backyard were perfect. It was cool, but not cold. The sun was shining, but it wasn't too hot. I was amazed at the perfectness of the moment.
As friends and family gathered to celebrate our daughter's graduation, I was filled with gratitude at the people in our lives, and the place that we live.
I hope to spend a lot of time with my family and friends in my backyard this summer, building relationships, enjoying one another's company, and taking in the beauty of our backyard.
(Photo credits go to my daughter Zoe Roberts. Thanks Zoe!!)
I really love your backyard also. I was amazed you had day lilies blooming. Congrats to Zoe on the photos.