
Gear Up

I like my job, and at this time of year, I especially like my job being the Gear Up Site Coordinator for the Kellogg School District.

Because at this time of year, you get to really help the seniors who you have worked with since 7th grade get through the maze of preparing to attend college.

Today I got to inform some students they would be receiving a Gear Up scholarship.  If they get a Pell Grant, Gear Up matches the amount of the Pell Grant each year for the four years they are in college, as long as they attend an Idaho college.  It is a great scholarship.  And often this scholarships has been the one thing that has really helped a student financially be able to attend college.

Another cool thing that happened today is I received a message from a student who dropped out of school this year, as a senior, but they want to enroll in North Idaho College, and was looking for help in doing that.  I was so excited that this person wants to go to college, and that they asked me for help in getting enrolled.

I also had another student getting help with their FAFSA today, and correcting an error that they put on their FAFSA. 

Another student showed me a book she created for a scholarship competition.  There is actually a scholarship competition for people with red hair.  This student wrote a children's book about having red hair, and submitted it for the scholarship competition.  I was so excited to have her share the book with me.  She did such an awesome job on the book!!!

It is such fun helping students step out and prepare for their future.

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