
Summer in California

The summer of 1984 was spent in California.

It was a very significant summer for many reasons.

I was 20 years old, and turned 21 while in California that summer.

I went to California to go on a Summer Project for Campus Crusade for Christ, a Christian group I was involved in at the University of Idaho.  Their International Headquarters at that time were located in Arrowhead Springs, California.  That is where I lived.

I also used this summer as an internship for college.  I worked in the Mass Media department, and worked in San Bernardino, California.  I helped write publicity fliers, and then ended up doing some Customer Service.  In fact, I ended up training the staff person who came to work in that position at the end of the summer.

There were 16 of us living at Arrowhead Springs that summer.  And we were from all over the United States.  My roommates were from Texas, Iowa and Virginia.  Chris, my roommate from Iowa, married one of the other guys on the project, and they are still happily married and living in Iowa. 

Laura, my roommate from Texas, still lives in Texas, and married the friend of one of the other guys on the project.  Sharon was from Virginia, and, as far as I know, she still lives in Virginia.  I have lost tough with Sharon over the years.

I still keep in touch with Laura and Chris through Facebook and Christmas cards. 

We had many adventures that summer.  We visited Disneyland, went to a Dodgers Baseball game and an Angels baseball game.  We spent some time at Newport Beach, Laguna Beach, and a beach in San Diego.  We traveled to Arrowhead Lake.

But another thing that was big in the Los Angeles area in the summer of 1984 was the Summer Olympics.  Because some of the countries boycotted the Olympics that summer, there were tickets available to attend some of the events.  I attended a basketball game in the Forum, and saw Michael Jordan and Patrick Ewing play.  (They were the only two names I recognized at the time).  But just being in Los Angeles during that time was a spectacle in itself.

A very significant thing happened that summer.  I was able to pray and meditate about Paul, and about how I felt about him.  Throughout the summer, I came to the conclusion that, if he asked, that he was the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.  Personally, I needed that time of searching that question while away from Paul and all of life's distractions to really listen to God's voice and hear what He was telling me regarding our relationship.

And it sure paid off, because my decision to marry Paul was the best decision I made in my life.

I learned a lot about myself that summer, and spent time with some incredible people.

But that summer in California will most be remembered as the summer I decided to say "I Do" to Paul, and commit myself to him for the rest of my life.

Now, Paul had already made this decision.  He told my best friend at the time, Carolyn, in April of 1984 that he was going to ask me to marry him, and he wanted her help.  This was the evening of the annual U of I talent show, and I was one of the contestants.  It was when I was up on stage that he told Carolyn of his plans.  And I was so proud of Carolyn, because keeping secrets was not easy for her.  But she kept the secret all the way until December of 1984 when Paul asked me to marry him.

The one thing I learned through all of this is, when it comes to making that decision to marry someone, make sure you are making the right decision.  If there is any apprehension, please wait.  Think it over.  You have time.  You never have to jump into marriage.  Make sure you are listening, and that you are at peace with your decision.

I am often in awe that God shared Paul with me.  I am thankful each and every day. 

I know I made the right decision to marry Paul.

It is one decision I have never regretted.

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