

At this point in a show, I should really be more stressed, but I'm not.

We have one more dress rehearsal to go, and we are in really good shape.

Oh, a few technical things here and there to get ironed out.  A few props to finish.  But other than that, I think we are ready for opening night, which is Thursday.

Things are coming together.  They are falling into place.

Praying for our "Sally" who was not feeling well.

Praying for our "Lucy" who feels a sore throat coming on.

Praying the cast and crew are feeling good.

Helping my husband direct "You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown" has been a really awesome experience.  I can't wait for people to come and see it.  These kids have put in a lot of work, and it shows.

So, I will calmly go through the next two days, and be ready to go for Thursday evening's opening.

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