
Time Wasters

I was visiting with my daughter Zoe, who is a sophomore in college.  It is always a bit unsettling when one of your children start the conversation with the words, "Well, let me tell you the bad news first."  Well, her bad news wasn't that bad.  She did something to her laptop that requires her to take it to the IT department on campus tomorrow.  Because her laptop is out of commission, she had to go to the library and work on a computer there.  She said that she was amazed how quickly she got all her homework done because she didn't have all the distractions she usually does on her own computer, such as Facebook, Netflix, Instagram, etc.

These are things some people refer to as "Time Wasters".  Now all social media is not bad.  And every time you visit a social media site, it is not wasting time.  But, I admit it, I often spend way too much time mindlessly scanning through Facebook, which then leads me to the Buzzfeed quiz I just HAVE to take so I find out what U.S. President I Would Be, What Dog Breed, What country I should live in, or what Joss Whedon character I would be. 

I just took one that used the answer to the questions "Who is your favorite Kardashian" and "What is your favorite Girl Scout Cookie" to help determine what Disney ride I would be.  Who knew?  (In case you are wondering, I would be "It's A Small World".)

Others I know can get sucked into the Pinterest vortex.  I have a Pinterest page, and I will often post recipes on there I want to try, but that site I do not spend a lot of time on.

Same with Twitter or Instagram.  I think I have only tweeted once or twice. I enjoy reading my Twitter feed occasionally, but I need to understand a bit more how it all works.

I follow people on Instagram, but I have yet to take or post a photo on there.  But my family sure has some great photos I can see on there, that often don't make it to Facebook.

I love social media.  Personally, I just need to make sure I don't waste too much time online when I should be doing other things.

For me, I just need to watch myself.  And make sure I'm not spending too much time watching too many pug videos, or looking at cute pug photos, or I may never get any work done!!

Like finding this photo for my friend Linda who is a big Green Bay Packer fan...a Cheese Head Pug...

Or this photo with two of my favorite things....Pugs and Sunflowers!!

Okay, we are moving into the danger zone.  I need to tell myself to stop finding cute Pug photos and posting them.

It is time to go to bed.


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