

Today most of my day was spent getting ready to sing.

I sing for a lot of different occasions.  I sing in church.  I sing in our local community theater.  I sing at home. 

Today was a new experience.  Today Paul and I sang as part of a Catholic Mass funeral service.

I was a little out of my comfort zone.

Adding to this, I had to sing "Ave Maria", which I had never done before. 

Again, a little out of my comfort zone.

But it ended up going rather well. 

And I played "Amazing Grace" on the flute for about 15 minutes straight.  And survived!!

It was nice being able to be of comfort to a family I have known practically my whole life as they said goodbye to their mother, aunt, grandma, sister-in-law and friend.

And another wonderful "coincidence" of this service.  Paul's mom and dad sang at this person's mother's funeral.  And we sang for the next generation.  That really made it special.

It is nice to sing for applause.  It is nice to sing for laughs.

But the greatest reward is to share your singing to help comfort a family.

So, every once it a while, it is worth stepping out of your comfort zone.

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