
How Is Your Book Coming Along?

I often run into people throughout the week who ask me this question.

How is your book coming?

That is because I made a rather public display when I left my job as a reporter at our local newspaper by writing in my farewell column that I was leaving my job to work on writing a book.

So I spent the next year researching and working on writing the first of three historical fiction books about the Silver Valley.

I gathered some people together and met with them on a monthly basis, and I would read to them what I had written.

I also had a friend who let me use her "Sparrow's Nest" house up Burke Canyon outside of Wallace, Idaho as my writing space.

I got a lot done that year.

I worked on and off on my book.  One summer I even spent a weekend in author Frank Peretti's loft above his garage to continue working on my book.  That was the summer of 2008.

Then things stopped.  I started writing, directing and acting in productions at our local community theater.  My attention was diverted to other creative projects.

But I wanted 2014 to be different, and I wanted to be reunited with the characters from my book, and the story, and start working on it again.

And this is happening with the help of my three Aprils.

Yes, I have three wonderful friends named April, and I spent some time with each of them today.

Most of my day today was spent at April #1's house with some of my wonderful high school friends.  We have started a monthly group called "Creative Masterminds".  We have assignments each month and write and explore ourselves and our creativity and share these with one another.  We spent five hours today enjoying each other's company, enjoying the wonderful food everyone brought, and sharing very personal things to a group of women who we have known the majority of our lives, and who are safe and are willing to take time to come and listen and share with one another.  This group has also kindled my passion for writing again through self-reflection writings, and writing these daily blog posts.  And I know the time spent with these women with help encourage me to get back to writing my book once again.

Last night, I ran into April #2.  She asked me if I would stop by her house this afternoon to let her dog out, because she was going to Spokane with a friend, and would be gone most of the day.  Later her and her dog showed up at my house with a nice bouquet of flowers to say thank you.  April #2 was part of my "Canyon Creek Creatives" group when we met up Burke Canyon, and she would encourage me in the writing of my book.  We would often meet for breakfast or lunch, and she would share with me her book ideas, and her sketches.  April #2 is a dreamer.  She is a one of a kind friend, and reconnecting with her today felt very serendipitous. 

This evening I spent over an hour talking on the phone with April #3.  We briefly saw one another last weekend when I traveled but didn't have a chance to really visit with one another.  So we made a "date" to talk to one another on the phone tonight.  It was great catching up.  April #3 started writing a book around the time I started writing mine.  But she has actually submitted material to publishers.  Again, talking to her sparks my creativity and desire to get back to working on my book.  And it made me realize we need to spend more time talking about our various projects on a more regular basis.  We have already started looking for a date in the not to distant future to spend a weekend together.

Today reminds me of a song I used to sing in youth group at church when I was young...
It only takes a spark, to get a fire going, and soon all those around, can warm up in its' glowing...

That is what happened to me today.  Spending time with my "Aprils" and my other friends created a glow from all the sparks I encountered.  And instead of moving on with other projects, other busyness, other things, I need to fan this creative flame, and center my energy on writing my book.

Thank you to my three wonderful Aprils (plus all the other women that were with us at April #1's house today!!)

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