
Sitting By The Fire

Tonight I was a little chilled, so I asked Paul if he could make a fire in the fireplace.

What a special treat that is.....to sit by the fire.

We are fortunate to have two fireplaces in our home.  One is in the basement.  It doesn't get used too much.  But the one on the main floor has been used quite a bit this winter. 

There is just something about relaxing and getting warmed by a wood fire.

This evening Cozomo joined me for a while as I ate my hummus and pita bread.  Having a cat snuggle with you while sitting by the fire is an added bonus!!

I closed my eyes and listened to the fire. Crack...pop....sizzle. 

I felt the warmth as it took away the chill in my body.

I smelled the faint aroma of smoke.

The room was filled with a golden glow as the fire burned.

Such a cozy, comforting, warming experience.

Sitting by the fire.

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