


I grab a cookbook off the shelf.

I choose a recipe.

I gather the ingredients.

I choose a bowl, and in goes the flour, sugar, spices, and leavening ingredients.

Then add the liquid.

Mix, mix, mix.  Stir, stir, stir.

Pour into the pan.  Put into the hot oven.

Watch the magic. 

The ingredients combine to make something wonderful and delicious.

A baked treat.

It could be a pie.  It could be cookies.  I could be a cake.

The first cake I ever made from scratch was a pineapple upside-down cake.

Thank goodness for mothers who allow their daughters to be adventurous in the kitchen.

I often wonder who the first person was who thought, "Wow, if I combine some flour, oil, eggs, baking powder and some sugar, something really delicious is going to come of this."

And it does. 

Baked goods provide comfort.

Baked goods make the house smell good.

Baked goods send a message.

"You are special".

Baking is a really special treat.

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