
Defining Moments

Yesterday I completed my hand-written list of 365 topics that I will write about during the next year.  I cut the lists up and then created a container to put them in that has a photo of my vision board I created for 2014.

The first subject I will be writing about is "Defining Moments". 
Defining Moments are those things that happen in life that define who we are in our life now.  They make us who we are today.
Today my friend April at http://www.essence7wellness.com wrote about looking back at the past year, and challenged her readers to do some things.  I thought these challenges worked perfectly with today's subject, so here is my response to her challenges.
Collecting fresh product at the Farmer's Market at Union Square in NYC 
on my 50th Birthday in the pouring rain.
Was there a particular story, person, object, event that stood out?
One week that stood out to me as a very Defining Moment was my trip to New York City for my 50th birthday.  I had decided I wanted to go on a mission trip and my family decided they wanted to come along, as well as my niece and two others.  It was everything I hoped it would be.  My favorite part was waking up each morning know that my sole purpose for the day was to serve others.  We were given our instructions by others, and did as we were asked.  And it was amazing.  And I found a beauty in Harlem and the people who lived there. 
Did you forge new pathways to understanding?
Yes.  This came about by reading some books, and by attending a Simply Jesus Gathering in Denver in November with my husband Paul.
On my journey as a Christian, I have attended many churches, all very diverse from the other.  I have gleaned much understanding from each of those experiences.  My beliefs as a follower of Jesus are finally coming clearer to me, and I have found authors who write about how I believe, and how I want to live out my life as a Christian here on this earth.  It has been very refreshing to define some of my Christian beliefs, and find others who share my way of thinking, as well as challenge my way of thinking.

The cast of "Mining Madness at the Mill, or a Big Bang for Bunker Hill" performed August 2013 at the Sixth Street Melodrama in Wallace.

Did you accomplish great things?
Making people smile and laugh is a great thing.  My work in the Sixth Street Melodrama and Theatre in Wallace helps me do that throughout the year.  Last August I wrote and performed in a production at the theater with my husband and two of my daughters, and my other daughter was the light technician for the production.  Doing things with my family is a great thing.  And I am so thankful they all like to perform and be involved in the theater so we can do this activity together.  The subject of the melodrama was the blowing up of the Bunker Hill Mill, an event that happened in 1899.  It was based on a true story from some families that still live her in the Silver Valley, and we were fortunate enough enough to perform the show in front of some of the family members.
Peaches Maximillian Holyday Roberts:  December 24, 2001 - September 16, 2013
 Maybe your year was difficult or sad.
Yes, there was sadness and difficulty.  One of these sad times was saying goodbye to our beautiful dog Peaches.  She was the sweetest dog you can imagine, and it has left a large hole in our family to have her gone.  But she will forever be in our hearts.
We also said goodbye to our Auntie Lila this year.  Family gathered together last spring in Orofino for her funeral and burial in Lewiston.  Paul and I were able to provide music for the service, which was a very big honor.
Meeting up with friends from college during my trip to Sun Valley in April.
Gatherings of family and friends.
One of my absolute favorite things to do is gather together with family and friends.  I had many opportunities this past year to reconnect with people I haven't seen in a while, and spend time with family members.  Cultivating relationships with others has always been an important part of my life, and I'm glad I was able to spend quality time with friends and family this past year.
Some of these gatherings included:
*  Sibling Outing with Bill and Christy to take photos in Manitou Park in Spokane.
*  Theater Board attending "Sweeny Todd" at Lake City Playhouse.
*  Higgins Point outing in CDA with family.
*  Attending "Much Ado About Nothing" (finally) with members of Paul's family.
*  Sibling trip to Nelson, British Columbia.
*  Cherished times with lifelong friends from high school.
*  "Essential Commandment" weekly Bible Study in our home on Sunday evenings.
*  All the holiday gatherings that brought the year 2013 to a fabulous close.
Things you wish you could redo?
Hurting others.  Whether intentionally or unintentionally, I don't like contributing to hurt in a person's life.  But I am human and it is going to happen.  And to those of you, if I have caused any hurt or anguish in your life this past year....I truly am sorry.  Please forgive me.
There it is.  Some of the moments that have helped define my past year, and contributed to my life.
When we were children, we used to think that when we were
grown-up we would no longer be vulnerable. 
But to grow up is to accept vulnerability....To be alive is to be vulnerable.
Madeleine L'Engle



  1. I think when we reflect on a period of time like you did, then pick defining moments it helps us appreciate them even more. 2015 shows hope and promise.

  2. love the way you addressed my questions, carol! beautiful review of an incredible year.
