
Sibling Assignment 151: Sibling Outing

A photo taken in the Hobo Cedar Grove Botanical Area near Clarkia, Idaho.

During the month of August, my sibling Raymond Pert and Inland Empire Girl and myself headed out on a "Sibling Outing".  We have done several of these over the years, and this year our destination was driving east to Wallace, then driving over Moon Pass to Avery.  Then we headed down the St. Joe River to Calder, then St. Maries.  Then we headed south to Clarkia, and then on up the mountain to Hobo Cedar Grove Botanical Area.

For Sibling Assignment #151, Raymond Pert has asked us to write about a particular thing that happened on our Sibling Outing that was especially enjoyable.  If possible, include an image, but not required.

Inland Empire Girl's is here, and Raymond Pert's will be here.

For me, the most enjoyable times were sharing stories as we drove along in the car.  We had the priviledge of being together from about 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. that day.  That is about 10 hours of uninterupted time spending time with my brother and sister.  And we realize this is a rare thing.  I don't know too many other people who make it a priority in their life to spend time with only their siblings, without other family around.  I am fortunate to have a brother and sister who want to make this time a priority.  We try and do it at least once a year.

As we drove in the car, we would bring up stories of memories of driving in the car to our grandmother's house in Orofino, and the erratic driving practices of our father.

My siblings would give me a good-natured hard time as I shared yet another historical fact about the area we were visiting.

We had a book with us that shared facts about the areas we were driving through, and it was fun to share those, or listen to my sister share them.

I'm glad we understand the importance of connecting with one another, and spending time together, even if it is fr oone day, once a year.  It helps continue to create memories that we add to our family story book.


  1. Very good. There is nothing like those times. I wish that mine were not scattered all over the country.

  2. SVG: I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas. The top photo is tremendous!
