
Getting Lost in the Garden

What a joy to finally get out in my yard yesterday and work in the garden.  Because of the abundance of rain over the past month, the grass in my flower beds, as well as other various weeds, had taken over.  Yesterday was my chance to tackle the grass.

I feel like I get involved in a task such as weed pulling, and time stands still.  I get lost in my task, take time to let my mind wander, and it is such a wonderful experience.  Not to mention the benefits of just being outside and watching life go on around me.

We have had some cowbirds chirping around the yard for a few weeks, and taunting the cats.  I believe they have nest around here, and, on Friday, PKR saw a baby bird in one of the trees that the other birds were protecting.  Unfortunately, they didn't protect the baby enough from Toby, the mighty three-legged hunter.  Yes, our cat Toby (who is missing one of his front legs) hunted down and captured the poor baby bird in our backyard.  It felt as if I was watching an episode of Wild Kingdom.  Of course, he felt so proud.  Poor bird.

My veggies are coming up, and I love to watch their progress.  The tomatoes are looking much better, now that they are in soil.  The radishes are bursting forth, and I see signs of peas and carrots.  Various types of lettuce are also emerging.  I'm waiting to see signs of beets, zucchini, and cilantro.

I finally got my pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds planted yesterday.  I got one little pumpkin last year, so we'll see how they do this year.

Later today I have some roses I need to plant.  I've been scouting out my yard, trying to find the best location to grow them.  I think I have found the place, but I need to get the ground ready for planting.

As I look out at the yard this morning, Toby is again being taunted by the cowbirds.  I think he is also digging up some flower seeds I planted yesterday out by the raspberries.  That cat can be so destructive in my yard.  That is why my raised beds have fencing on top of them, so he doesn't use them as one big little box.

T.C., one of our other cats, just came up to say good morning, rubbing her head on the side of the laptop. 

Off to make breakfast before we go to church this morning.  It is amazing how sunshine boosts the spirits, and energizes me for the day.

"This is the day that the Lord hath made.   I will rejoice and be glad in it."  Psalm 118:24

1 comment:

  1. I think our cats dug up seeds last year in the flower bed or used it for a litter box! I haven't even gotten my seeds in this year yet! Hopefully today. Hopefully I will feel that satisfaction of pulling grass also by the end of today!
