
When Dad Made Me Proud

Today I am going back into the Sibling Assignment archives, and catching up a bit.  Actually, I only went back through the last 15 or so.  I actually wrote more than I thought I had.

So, back in June, around Father's Day, the sibling assignment was this:

Remember a time that our Father made us proud.

I remember at Dad's funeral visiting with my friend KCM who lived in our neighborhood.  In fact, our backyards were kittycorner from each other.

After I went off to college, Dad started taking a real interest in gardening.  He loved planting vegetables and harvesting them in the late summer and fall.

He was particularly proud of his tomatoes, and liked to share that information with others.

One of those people was KCM.  When KCM would be in Kellogg visiting her parents, Dad would talk to her over the back fence, and would often give her tomatoes, or share tips on how to grow the biggest, juiciest, most flavorful tomatoes.

I loved that she shared that story with me, and it made me very proud!!

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