
Theater Provides Many Opportunties for Using Creative Energy

The final "Best" assignment from IEG is this:

Best Way For Using Creative Energy

Wow, I may even get this one in before tomorrow's deadline.

Working with the Sixth Street Melodrama and Theater has given me many opportunities to use my creative energy.

At first, I was able to sing onstage.

Then I was acting and singing.

A few summers ago, I decided to write a Melodrama, and act in it, and my husband directed the show.

Two summers ago, I put on my director's hat, and directed my first melodrama.  Plus I had to add to and rewrite a lot of the material from that show to somehow have it make sense.

Last summer, I directed another melodrama, and also produced a Kelly's Alley Revue.

Producing the revue was a lot of fun.  Taking a theme, which last summer was "The 1920's" and researching songs and historical facts about that decade, and blending them all together to create an hour musical revue was really fun.  Then to see the six actors sing and dance and perform it was even more wonderful.

This summer, PKR and I have been asked to write a couple of shows with the 1910 fire as the theme.  We will be writing a melodrama and a Kelly's Alley Revue.  The revue's theme will be full of songs having to do with fire, heat and hot.

We are also producing more of an historical narrative with some multimedia aspects to it, that will help tell some real stories from the summer of the 1910 fire.

All this will be this summer in Wallace during the month of August.  So mark your calendars, and come and learn more about this historical time in the Silver Valley's history.

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